Work work work

So, the first day. I started out making smoothies and was actually kind of enjoying it, but then I was put on one of the wrap stations. Not really that much fun. I kept thinking “any minute now I’ll be back on smoothies”. Never happened. I’m hoping on Wednesday I’ll just be in the smoothie station, because I really dislike the whole wrap thing. I can’t really remember everyone’s names; I know Josh, Allison, and Jeremy. Well and Sarah of course. After getting off work my lower back hurt, followed by sore feet. Which makes sense, being that I’m not used to standing for five hours straight. Walking home caused my legs to hurt, which in turn made it hard to fall asleep.

I actually overslept and didn’t wake up until 7:52, which is eight minutes before my first class. As it turns out, some chick was making a presentation that lasted until 35 past the hour, so I didn’t actually miss anything. In fact, rest of the class period was taken up with everyone standing in line to get their tests back. I got a B by the way.

Today, I was on regisiter all damn night. Of course, as luck would have it, tonight was one of the busier ones. Not exactly the best time to learn a new skill. I suppose it forced me to learn fast. I’d actually rather do that and smoothies than wraps. I don’t know if you can tell, but I really hate the wrap thing. Oh, and my schedule changed. Now I work Sunday-Tuesday because one of the other new chicks was originally suppose to have the Tuesday closing shift, but found out she had something else to do at 6 Tuesday nights. This works out pretty good I guess. I tend to do all my French homework Wednesday nights, so not working will help.

Having said that, I’m actually updating instead of doing homework for my Ethnic class. I’m so horrid!

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  1. I just felt like this is the moment of telling you that it has never before occured to me that “Work” becomes “Krow” backwards.

  2. I can’t help it! Time just keeps sticking to my fingers.

    And the CMS is breathing nicely… *gets nervous and checks to make sure* ❗

    And yay books about PHP! I’m sure you’ll feel like wielding the one power soon enough 😀 If you feel lost you can just mail me *nods* And then we can be lost together.

  3. Congrats on your B. 😎 Smoothies might not look nice after a while but the word “Smoothie” is very nice.. *daftly babbling* 😆

    PHP? Eek! 😮

  4. *squee!* I feel like mailing my copy of KoD to you guys. You’d get to read it instead of relying on spoilers, then! 😀

  5. I wouldn’t know where to send it, goose! 😉

    It is much better then CoT. *is not very picky, like some of the people on dragonmount and such, though* It’s very fast paced, that’s for sure. There’s not a whole lot of Lan & Nynaeve. What there is, is good. 🙂

  6. Can’t I be a box turtle? 😛 You could call me .. “Box T!” 😮

    Vertex is a fishy, anyhow. *nod*

  7. How about a great manly elephant :p ? And you think pigeons are manly?!… *rolls eyes* … What can I say?!

    Oh, hey, Marie the Ducky, I got your letter. *dances around* Yippee… I can’t log in to Yahoo, so I couldn’t IM you!

  8. Vertex can be a pigeon with elephantitis, how’s that? ❗ Yay! We can call you pidgey!

    *cries* yes! Someone email me back! Oh, the irony… 😀

  9. Pigeons are very manly and noble! They deliver letters and has one true partner all life! *nodnodnod*

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