
Whitney went home yesterday. ;_; So now I’m all alone in California. Well, August is coming up rather fast, which means soon I’ll be back at the dorms…. Yay for high speed internet! Boo for classes! Anyway, it’s half midnight, as Laura would say, and I’m not in the mood to go to bed. The …


Today I wanted to go Denny’s…except Whitney doesn’t want to get off her pasty ass and get dressed. Such is my life. And that is all for now.


Soooo…. I’ve been listening to 4 Strings’ album. I don’t care what Whitney says, they’re better than Lasgo. You know, ever since I’ve began talking to Whitty I’ve come to realize I’m a bigger nerd than I thought I was. I mean, I’m kinda in an argument about a fantasy character with her mom. Which …

Sea of nothing

Well, I told Whitty I would update….So….Um, I’m home now. Yay! And for the first time since August I’m able to play my PS2. How I’ve missed thee. I’m going to my mom’s this Friday evening, so I can finally enjoy all that crap I ordered off of Amazon while at school. Like, Underneath and …