War of the Spark looks *awesome*

I interrupt my blogging hiatus to fangirl about the new Magic: The Gathering trailer. Because it is glorious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5W9t62t10I GLORIOUS Admittedly I may just have weak spot for dramatic Linkin Park covers. Like I have no clue what is actually happening in the storyline, but I still felt a little tingle of emotion. I am …

I’ll take the Power of God, thanks

I asked the Grand Master Payal Jan Bug Dhar for a blog post idea and this is what she hath given me: @moiraine Which game character would you be and why? Let the blogging begin! — Payal Dhar (@payaldhar) August 12, 2016 This was a bit of tossup but I decided to settle on Max …

I Have Conquered The Sims

Finally. After three iterations. I have, for once, bred a Sim family to ten generations. I have done…a legacy. The downside is that my goal is actually an Alphabet Legacy. That’s 26 generations instead of the normal 10. Because I hate myself. The other downside is the Sims 4 is boring and after pushing through …