December is coming

Went home for Thanksgiving. It was nice to be out of the dorm! Oh to be back in my own bed and being able to fall asleep without having to blast my eardrums to drown out my roommate’s snoring. My cap and gown were there which is a relief because the delivery people out where my dad lives tend to just leave stuff by the front door. We mailed out announcements and all that jazz. I’m looking forward to going back home for good, even if entering the real world is scary.

I have also ordered my next doll. I did think about getting a PS3 but then I’d have to buy games and crap so it really wasn’t all that cost effective. I also thought of a PSP (why yes I am a Sony fanboy) but again…games. I suppose I could have bought nothing at all, but this is the last time I can buy something stupidly expensive without the worry of bills. And it is my graduation present to myself. πŸ˜€ She should be here when I go back home. She’ll either be waiting for me or will come right before the big day. *crosses fingers*

Katie’s doll is also on her way. If her doll comes next week, mine would be shipping out the following week at the latest, and then that following week will arrive. It’ll be like a month of dolls. Dolls to torture Niklas with. πŸ‘Ώ

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  1. I like the response your Dad had. >:)

    It will be not only dolls and more dolls, but the things of dolls too. Hopefully some certain things for Marie’s doll won’t take _forever_.

    Third person again. :/

    I’m very glad the cap and gown is there. That’s one more thing not to worry about.

    Oh, Niklas. We will have so much doll stuff to tell you about! And the box opening pictures! *evil*

  2. oh yes, let’s torture Niklas! He’s so funny when he cries… not to mention bleeds! The deeper red the blood, the better!

  3. Happy Graduation Marie, and a Happy December for you All… .

    I had a very nice day yesterday, please check my blog !!!

    Niklas, I know you’ve seen the post I left… Please, I just need to know why, that’s all, I don’t want anything else… Hugs

  4. Thanks !!!

    Well, my legs hurt like hell -OMG, I can barely walk- and I’m still cursing those horrible Death Wellies, but it was so cool… We were there for three hours (with a little pause to rest and eat pizza when the ice was repaired) and I didn’t want to leave…

    I posted the pictures just now πŸ™‚

    You know what, Marie ???

    The Death Wellies are never sharpened and left awful on purpose, so you go -your feet bleeding- and visit their Shop and buy your own skates, oh yes… Now I’ll have to sell four silver coins, but my skates are worth it πŸ™‚

    Ciao, hugs… enjoy your Dolls !!!

  5. I went to read about Class Rings in Wikipedia, didn’t know about them… Nice tradition, I bet it indeed makes the whole event feel more real πŸ™‚

    Is yours made of gold, with a stone and everything else??? Yay :p

  6. Mine is white gold, but not with a stone. The ones with a stone, for my school at least, looked a little too much like costume jewelry. When I get home next week I’ll take a photo. πŸ™‚

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