Is reviewing more movies cheating on getting out more blog posts? Yes. But here are the rest of the movies I've seen in the latter half of January: Escape Room I love a good scary movie. Unfortunately, there don't seem to be a lot of genuinely scary movies to enjoy. Escape Room is very middle …
Hello January
Halfway through the month, and I'm finally getting around to making a post! And to help ease myself back into the world of blogging, I'm going to do brief reviews of the movies I've seen so far this month. Vice The first thing I will say about Vice is that the acting is on point. …
New Year, Old Me
I'm horrible at updating this thing (there's a post draft from 2013). And Payal was no help in thinking up a blog idea, so this is at least 45% her fault. Anyway. I decided to give myself a reading challenge this year of reading 52 books. I am not clear on why I picked 52 …
Wonder Woman is Wonderful
Cheesy blog title is cheesy. But for real, y'all: Wonder Woman is probably my favorite superhero movie I've seen. The first Iron Man is the last superhero flick that got me pumped. I never really cared one way or another about Wonder Woman; she always seemed kind of silly to me. But no longer. I …