Gaming Backlog: Remember Me

Remember Me takes place in Neo-Paris in the year 2084. A corporation called Memorize have deployed a technology known as Sensen that enables the population to upload their memories. Which of course would never be a power abused. The game drops you into the role of Nilin who must escape from a Memorize memory wipe …

Gaming Backlog: Battlefield 3

First things first: I did not try the multiplayer. Considering its age I wasn’t even sure the servers were still up, and if they were, they were more than likely filled with die hard BF3 players. And noobs. Lots of noobs since Playstation released it for free for Plus users. That, and I just wasn’t …

Gaming Backlog: Dragon Age 2

My feelings towards Dragon Age 2 could best be described as highly ambivalent. After finishing Dragon Age: Origins I decided to hold off on buying the second installment mostly out of budgeting then anything else. However in the interim complaints and grumbles began to emerge that further caused a delay in purchasing. Once it was …